Space Syntax test exercise. The aim of this exercise was to test if training novel student base on Space Syntax theory make any difference in student spatial configuration abilities. The exercise was design to contrast the experimental group design solutions against those of fellow students (control group) whom have not being told about space syntax and the solution of practicing architects for the same project brief. In order to achieve this goal a project brief was propose in the other way round, extracting information from a professional project for a general practitioner’s surgery in Buckinghamshire by Aldington, Craig and Collinge”. This project is described by Alan Penn in his paper The system-user paradox: do we need models or should we grow ecologies? (Sept 2005, Gdansk, Poland) and it was no accessible by the students. Based on this professional work, a design program was propose to the students in both groups (control and experimental) with some minor changes from the original.
One office and reception: 20 m2
Three consulting room: 20 m2 c/u plus a private toilet each
Waiting area: 36 m2
Access and corridors: 27 m2
Visitors toilette: 6 m2
Total area: more or less 150 m2
Additionally, the students in the experimental group were asked to fulfill the following spatial condition based on Alan Penn analysis of the surgery’s spatial configuration. 1) The reception should have a visual control over public access to the building, the waiting area and corridors leading to the consulting rooms. 2) Consulting room’s doorways should be hidden of public sight from the waiting area. 3) Public toilets doorway should be hidden of public sight from the waiting area. In this exercises the experimental group were asked to use the 9x9 square grid and the 6x6 square grid with diagonal with the Space Syntax training program in order to produce at least 4 design solution. One of them was chosen to develop the final project using the 3d modeling program SketchUp. The last part of the exercises has not been accomplished yet due to university student’s demonstrations that turn violent; therefore university activities were suspended until the end of the summer break (September 5th). However an advance of the student’s works is shown here.

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