A short CV 

Jesús Mora Contreras




Lawyer, (Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida - Venezuela, 1973). He studied economy and oil politics in the French universities of Grenoble and Dijon, and economy of the institutions in the Universidad de La Laguna, Spain, where he is a actually a PhD candidate (European Doctorate) on "Natural Resources and Development: the Venezuelan case".


He is a retired teaching professor of Universidad de Los Andes, but dedicated exclusively to research, under the National (Venezuelan) Program of Promotion of Researchers. He was Andrés Fellowship, in St. Antony's College, at Oxford University, U.K., during the academic year 97-98.


He has attended as presenter to several congresses, and national and international seminars, in France, Colombia, Mexico, Puerto Rico and ECLAC. He has been invited professor in several universities, as Grenoble, Dijon, Sheffield University (G.B.) and Universidad de la Laguna (Spain).


He has published several articles in journals, and chapters of books, in Venezuela, France, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia (and in printing at the moment in Spain), on the oil topic.