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[Pathology and dental morphology
of a prehispanic human skull from eastern Venezuela: identification of
the central tuberculum]
[Article in
de Berrizbeitia EL.
The study describes a
prehispanic skull with numerous pathologies and dental traits from "El
Cuartel", an archeological site of northeastern Venezuela. The following
pathologies are discussed in their historical contexts are described:
dental caries, malocclusion, hiperdontia, rotation of the incisors, and
periodontal abscess. Several dental morphological characteristics are
also described: shovel shaped incisors, the dimension of the teeth
(megadontia), and the presence of the "tuberculum centrale". The latter
is a unique morphological characteristic whose function is unknown, and
whose frequency is very low; until now, it has apparently only been
observed in japanese and chinese populations.
PMID: 2486455
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]