
  1. Ball, M. M., Gómez, W., Magallanes, X., Rosales, R., Melfo, A., & Yarzábal, L. A. (2014). Bacteria recovered from a high-altitude, tropical glacier in Venezuelan Andes. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 30(3), 931-941.(PDF)

  2. Balcazar, W., Rondón, J., Rengifo, M., Ball, M. M., Melfo, A., Gómez, W., & Yarzábal, L. A. (2015). Bioprospecting glacial ice for plant growth promoting bacteria. Microbiological research, 177, 1-7.(PDF)

  3. Rondón, J., Gómez, W., Ball, M. M., Melfo, A., Rengifo, M., Balcázar, W., ... & Yarzábal, L. A. (2016). Diversity of culturable bacteria recovered from Pico Bolívar’s glacial and subglacial environments, at 4950 m, in Venezuelan tropical Andes. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 62(11), 904-917.(PDF)