bool | is_to_right_from (const Vector2D &) const |
bool | is_to_right_on_from (const Vector2D &) const |
bool | is_to_left_from (const Vector2D &) const |
bool | is_to_left_on_from (const Vector2D &) const |
bool | is_collinear_with (const Vector2D &) const |
bool | is_normalized () const |
bool | is_unitarian () const |
real_t | square_magnitude () const |
real_t | magnitude () const |
real_t | length () const |
void | normalize () |
void | negate () |
void | scale (double) |
bool | is_opposite (const Vector2D &) const |
Vector2D | get_opposite () const |
real_t | angle_with (const Vector2D &) const |
void | add_scaled_vector (const Vector2D &, real_t) |
real_t | dot_product (const Vector2D &) const |
real_t | scalar_product (const Vector2D &) const |
real_t | cross_product (const Vector2D &) const |
real_t | vector_product (const Vector2D &) const |
Vector2D | component_product (const Vector2D &) const |
Vector2D | operator- () const |
| Performs get_opossite. More...
Vector2D | operator* (real_t) const |
| Multiplies this by a scalar value. More...
void | operator*= (real_t) |
| Accumulates the product of this by a scalar value. More...
real_t | operator* (const Vector2D &) const |
| Performs dot_product. More...
Vector2D | operator+ (const Vector2D &) const |
| Performs vector addition. More...
void | operator+= (const Vector2D &) |
| Accumulative vector addition. More...
Vector2D | operator- (const Vector2D &) const |
| Performs vector substraction. More...
void | operator-= (const Vector2D &) |
| Accumulative vector substraction. More...
| GenPoint2D () |
| GenPoint2D (const real_t &_x, const real_t &_y) |
| GenPoint2D (const real_t &_x, real_t &&_y) |
| GenPoint2D (real_t &&_x, const real_t &_y) |
| GenPoint2D (real_t &&_x, real_t &&_y) |
| GenPoint2D (const GenPoint2D &p) |
| GenPoint2D (GenPoint2D &&p) |
GenPoint2D & | operator= (const GenPoint2D &p) |
GenPoint2D & | operator= (GenPoint2D &&p) |
void | swap (GenPoint2D &p) |
const real_t & | get_x () const |
const real_t & | get_y () const |
void | set_x (const real_t &_x) |
void | set_x (real_t &&_x) |
void | set_y (const real_t &_y) |
void | set_y (real_t &&_y) |
void | nullify () |
bool | is_null () const |
bool | is_zero () const |
real_t | square_distance_with (const GenPoint2D &p) const |
real_t | distance_with (const GenPoint2D &p) const |
real_t | square_distance_to_origin () const |
real_t | distance_to_origin () const |
bool | is_to_right_from (const GenPoint2D &p, const GenPoint2D &q) const |
bool | is_to_right_on_from (const GenPoint2D &p, const GenPoint2D &q) const |
bool | is_to_left_from (const GenPoint2D &p, const GenPoint2D &q) const |
bool | is_to_left_on_from (const GenPoint2D &p, const GenPoint2D &q) const |
bool | is_collinear_with (const GenPoint2D &p, const GenPoint2D &q) const |
bool | is_between (const GenPoint2D &p, const GenPoint2D &q) const |
| operator bool () const |
bool | operator== (const GenPoint2D &p) const |
bool | operator!= (const GenPoint2D &p) const |
std::string | to_string () const |