This is a talk page for improving Audiences.
The identification of naive users as an audience is a useful one. A key to gaining wider use of a PmWiki is to make PmWiki easy to contribute to for this group of users. To this end, given the advances in technology, expectation, and user experience (eg Google Docs, blogs) a focus on
- Wysiwyg? for at least basic editing markup
- features such as new group and new page boxes which help until the wiki metaphor is understood
- markup that allows users to transfer and use their office software pardigm (eg row spanning?, table paste?, unicode?, save warnings?)
- consistent and broad core functionality across PmWikis (as opposed to different implementation, markup etc, from different recipes)
is needed
However the needs of the wiki administrators must not be neglected either. These are the people who select and install PmWiki (as opposed to other wiki or CMS software). In the past, in addition to the clean design, modular implemention, ease of installation, PmWiki has been an exciting community with vitality and velocity, enhancements and improvements at the leading edge, without trying to be all thinks to all wiki users.
There is always a balancing act between 'slow and steady', 'stable code base', and meeting the expectations of the user audiences. What is important is that the community stays active, involved, and contributions are recognised and acted upon. simon? June 26, 2009, at 11:20 PM
This is a talk page for improving PmWiki.Audiences.