This is a talk page for improving Categories.
Using the Auto Created Pages
If you enable the auto creation of the category pages you can use them to display links to pages which belong to that category.
Add these two lines to your local config.php.
$page = ReadPage('Category.GroupTemplate', READPAGE_CURRENT); $AutoCreate['/^Category\\./'] = array('ctime' => $Now, 'text' => $page['text']);
Then navigate to the Category.GroupTemplate page (which will create a new page) and edit that page to include:
(:pagelist link=Category.{*$Name} list=normal:)
Every time a category page is autocreated it will have the content you placed in the GroupTemplate. Each category page will display a linked list of pages in that category. This places the list in the body of the page rather than in the footer.
Q: Is there any way to take tag name to AutoCreate's 'text' field so in the end I can have page Category.AlternativeWorld with title "Alternative world" (as it's written in the tag, second word's first letter is small as opposed to $Titlespaced) for example?
Distinguishing between defining and referencing a category
Unfortunately PmWiki cannot distinguish between defining a category (or tagging a page)[1]? [2]?, normally done like this
and referring to a category, viz
This is a talk page for improving PmWiki.Categories.