
Custom Markup Examples

Here you can demonstrate examples of Custom Markup, that are used in wikis.

parallel use of the " <br> " symbol, to break lines

If you want to use the " <br> " symbol, to break lines,
like in .html pages
(parallel to the " \\ " symbol),
put the following in your config.php file:

## using <br> , to break lines.
## optional, if you may have <br clear='all'>
## Markup('<br clear=all>','inline','/&lt;br\\s+clear=([\'"]?)all\\1\\s*\\/?&gt;/i',"<br clear='all' />");
## One thing to know is that the symbols "<" and ">" are encoded in the page 
## source text as "&lt;" and "&gt;" and in custom markup the encoded ones should 
## be used.
Markup('<br>','inline','/&lt;br\\s*\\/?&gt;/i',"<br />");

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:CustomMarkupExamples, and a talk page: PmWiki:CustomMarkupExamples-Talk.