Page Lists-Talk
Discussion of PageLists
How can I configure my site to always exclude wiki-related pages from searches?
Add list=normal
to the searchbox or searchresults directives
Try the following in your local/config.php file. See also Cookbook:SearchPatterns.
## Exclude Certain pages / groups from search results. $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.(All)?Recent(Changes|Uploads|Comments)$!'; $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.Group(Print)?(Header|Footer|Attributes)$!'; $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.(Left|Right|Side)(Bar|Menu|Note)$!'; $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^Site\\.!'; $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^PmWiki\\.!';
If you add $SearchPatterns['default']...
to exclude groups and pages from pagelist and search output, you can include the omitted pages by using "list=all" in the pagelist or search parameters.
How do I turn on wiki word spacing in page lists?
Try the following in your Site.LocalTemplates?
---- !!!fmt=#simplelist Simple list of page names, without the Group name. [@ [[#simplelist]] [[({=$Group}/){=$Name}|{=$Titlespaced}]], [[#simplelistend]] @]
Can I customize the text in the button generated by the (:searchbox:)
The searchbox directive does not appear to support a parameter to change the label of the associated submit button.
How to list only pages that have their title (*not* name) starting with A, B, C,...
(:pagelist $Title=A*,B*,C* :)
How do I search for pages changed by an particular author?
It would be useful to provide Author= (similar to name= or group=).
Try using the Cookbook:AuthorContribution recipe.
This recipe provides a way to automatically keep a list of the pages each author has edited by producing an "Author Contributions" page with a name of Profiles.<author's name>-Contrib for each author that has a page in the Profiles group.
Contributions by authors without profile pages are placed in a single Profiles.Other-Contrib page.
You may try pagelist using $LastModifiedBy variable, as in : (:pagelist / list=normal group=-PmWiki $LastModifiedBy=-X:)
or (:pagelist / list=normal group=-PmWiki $LastModifiedBy=X:)
to print the list of pages last edited by all but X or edited by x (Petko's pagelist).
How to exclude deleted pages from (:pagelist trail=Site.AllRecentChanges fmt=#title count=15 order=-time :)
Use (:pagelist trail=Site.AllRecentChanges if="exists {=$FullName}" ...:)
order=ctime displays the pages in the order they were created. Is there a way to reverse this (so that the newest page appears first)?
Yes. Use order=-ctime
(note the "minus").
A pagelist excludes the current page from the generated list if "list=normal", how can the current page be included while retaining all the other benefits of using "list=normal"?
Set in config.php this:
If you want to be able to use both behaviors, set this in config.php:
['normal']['self'] = "";
['normalself'] = array(
'recent' => '!\.(All)?Recent(Changes|Uploads)$!',
'group' => '!\.Group(Print)?(Header|Footer|Attributes)$!');
Then use list=normalself
on pages that should include themselves in the results.
Is it possible to return a list of all pages that are not protected by the site password?
Perhaps Cookbook:AuthListShort might help.
I want to list all the pages in a wikigroup dynamically, how do I do that?
You can use: (:pagelist group={*$Group} :)
to list pages in the current Group. See PageVariables (note the "*" in {*$Group}).
How do I search for pages changed after a particular date?
Using pagelist with the link-parameter causes on Strato an "Internal Server Error:"
I had a similar error on due to a local misconfiguration of PHP4. Switching the website to PHP5 solved the issue. As Strato supports different versions of PHP4 and 5, you should try all and tell us if/when it works. (Read the FAQs: you need to rename your index.php to index.php5, or add in your /.htaccess the code: "AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php
"). --Petko? February 16, 2008, at 08:35 PM
How do I capture the output from "fmt=count" into a page text variable?
Is it possible to find backlinks to all pages in a group, or multiple pages?
eg (:pagelist group=Cookbook link=Category/:) or (:pagelist group=Cookbook link=Category/One,Category.Two:) or (:pagelist group=Category link=Cookbook.*:)
Can I pass a named parameter to a pagelist, eg a number to set a thumbnail size?
For example (:pagelist fmt=#randomimage px=80:)
so that the parameter value can be referenced withing the page list template?
Yes, in the same way as documented here IncludeOtherPages#includevariable
How can I include backlinks to pages which only link to current page via pagelist? i.e page "A" has a pagelist which generates a list of links to "B","C","D" ... a backlinks pagelist on page "B" does not list page "A" because there is no REAL link from "A" to "B".
This is a talk page for improving PmWiki.PageLists.