
Page Lists-Talk

Discussion of PageLists

How can I configure my site to always exclude wiki-related pages from searches?

Add list=normal to the searchbox or searchresults directives

Try the following in your local/config.php file. See also Cookbook:SearchPatterns.

## Exclude Certain pages / groups from search results.
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.(All)?Recent(Changes|Uploads|Comments)$!';
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.Group(Print)?(Header|Footer|Attributes)$!';
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.(Left|Right|Side)(Bar|Menu|Note)$!';
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^Site\\.!';
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^PmWiki\\.!';

If you add $SearchPatterns['default']... to exclude groups and pages from pagelist and search output, you can include the omitted pages by using "list=all" in the pagelist or search parameters.

How do I turn on wiki word spacing in page lists?

Try the following in your Site.LocalTemplates?


Simple list of page names, without the Group name. 


Can I customize the text in the button generated by the (:searchbox:) directive?

The searchbox directive does not appear to support a parameter to change the label of the associated submit button.

How to list only pages that have their title (*not* name) starting with A, B, C,...

(:pagelist $Title=A*,B*,C* :)

How do I search for pages changed by an particular author?

It would be useful to provide Author= (similar to name= or group=).

Try using the Cookbook:AuthorContribution recipe.

This recipe provides a way to automatically keep a list of the pages each author has edited by producing an "Author Contributions" page with a name of Profiles.<author's name>-Contrib for each author that has a page in the Profiles group.

Contributions by authors without profile pages are placed in a single Profiles.Other-Contrib page.

You may try pagelist using $LastModifiedBy variable, as in : (:pagelist / list=normal group=-PmWiki $LastModifiedBy=-X:) or (:pagelist / list=normal group=-PmWiki $LastModifiedBy=X:) to print the list of pages last edited by all but X or edited by x (Petko's pagelist).

How to exclude deleted pages from (:pagelist trail=Site.AllRecentChanges fmt=#title count=15 order=-time :)

Use (:pagelist trail=Site.AllRecentChanges if="exists {=$FullName}" ...:)

order=ctime displays the pages in the order they were created. Is there a way to reverse this (so that the newest page appears first)?

Yes. Use order=-ctime (note the "minus").

A pagelist excludes the current page from the generated list if "list=normal", how can the current page be included while retaining all the other benefits of using "list=normal"?

Set in config.php this: $SearchPatterns['normal']['self'] = ""; If you want to be able to use both behaviors, set this in config.php:

  $SearchPatterns['normalself'] = array(
  'recent' => '!\.(All)?Recent(Changes|Uploads)$!',
  'group' => '!\.Group(Print)?(Header|Footer|Attributes)$!');

Then use list=normalself on pages that should include themselves in the results.

Is it possible to return a list of all pages that are not protected by the site password?

Experimenting with the "passwd="-attribute didn't get me very far...

Perhaps Cookbook:AuthListShort might help.

I want to list all the pages in a wikigroup dynamically, how do I do that?

E.g. I am creating groups Apple, Orange, Pear and I want each group page to display all the associated group pages e.g. Apple.RecentChanges, Apple.Apple, Apple.HomePage in each Apple page & Orange.somePage, Orange.RecentChanges in each Orange page. It is something like a page directory. How do I do this using a template for every page? Thanks so much!

You can use: (:pagelist group={*$Group} :) to list pages in the current Group. See PageVariables (note the "*" in {*$Group}).

How do I search for pages changed after a particular date?


Using pagelist with the link-parameter causes on Strato an "Internal Server Error:"

"The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log."
The same thing happens when trying to search something or when trying to load the PmWikiDe/DocumentationIndex page. Are there ideas for a workaround?

I had a similar error on due to a local misconfiguration of PHP4. Switching the website to PHP5 solved the issue. As Strato supports different versions of PHP4 and 5, you should try all and tell us if/when it works. (Read the FAQs: you need to rename your index.php to index.php5, or add in your /.htaccess the code: "AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php"). --Petko? February 16, 2008, at 08:35 PM

How do I capture the output from "fmt=count" into a page text variable?

I want to test if the pagelist returns any items, or to separate the pagelist into two columns.

Is it possible to find backlinks to all pages in a group, or multiple pages?

(:pagelist group=Cookbook link=Category/:)
(:pagelist group=Cookbook link=Category/One,Category.Two:)
(:pagelist group=Category link=Cookbook.*:)

No, see and vote for 00908?

Can I pass a named parameter to a pagelist, eg a number to set a thumbnail size?

For example (:pagelist fmt=#randomimage px=80:) so that the parameter value can be referenced withing the page list template? Yes, in the same way as documented here IncludeOtherPages#includevariable

How can I include backlinks to pages which only link to current page via pagelist? i.e page "A" has a pagelist which generates a list of links to "B","C","D" ... a backlinks pagelist on page "B" does not list page "A" because there is no REAL link from "A" to "B".

This is a talk page for improving PmWiki.PageLists.