Road Map
This is the "current best guesses" on upcoming features for PmWiki:
Features planned for 2.3.x
- Blogging (PITS:BlogFeatures)
- Comments (PmForm Comments; see list planning, delay and announcement)
[[ target | text | title ]]
markup (PITS:01172)- Fix problem with url display in ?action=print
- tz= and localization options to
{(ftime ...)}
- Add list=homes or list=grouphomes option to pagelists
- WikiCreole 1.0 support
- Adjust handling of session passwords
- Better RTL support (from ideas contributed by Soroush?)
Features planned for 2.2.x
- Update pagelists to be able to do refcounts
- Allow link= option to do wildcards
- Add a linkfrom= option to pagelists (with wildcards)
- Allow trail= option to pagelist to accept wildcards
- Add duplicates=yes option to pagelist (default to duplicates=no)
- Add quiet= option to redirects (PITS:00919) ✓
- Error messages in
(PITS:00652) ✓
Features added to the 2.2.0 beta series
- Page text variables (2.2.0-beta1) ✓
- Extensible page list (2.2.0-beta13) ✓
- Relative links and page variables in markup text (2.2.0-beta1) ✓
- Add an UpdatePage() function for recipes to update pages (2.2.0-beta13) ✓
(:input select ...:)
markup (PITS:00567) (2.2.0-beta17) ✓- Set default values for input forms (2.2.0-beta17) ✓
- Built-in blocklist capability (2.2.0-beta13) ✓
- Leading spaces rule can be disabled (2.2.0-beta41) ✓
- Improved draft capabilities (PITS:00755) (2.2.0-beta43) ✓
- Set input focus (2.2.0-beta53) ✓
- Listing of site-wide permissions settings (AuthList) (2.2.0-beta52) ✓
- Improved UTF-8 handling in searches (2.2.0-beta43) ✓
- Move admin pages in Site.* to SiteAdmin group (2.2.0-beta58) ✓
Things planned post-2.2.0
- Convert PmWiki default charset to UTF-8
- Show search terms in context
- Sort search results by relevance
- um; don't know if there's already some progress on those; however, not knowing about these plans, I've done something similar myself; if interested, see: Cookbook.SortByScore? (in tandem with Cookbook.Excerpts?) - (~Mateusz?)
- Allow spaces in usernames and authorization groups
- Centralized authorization control
- Redesign of PageStore and $PCache (likely 2.3 or later)
- more efficient searches/indexing
- handle non-UTF-8 characters on Mac OS/X
- case-insensitive page names on case-sensitive filesystems
- see Cookbook.CaseCorrection? for a platform-independent implementation of this. --Eemeli Aro?
- page names with spaces
- Email to wiki gateway
- see Cookbook.WikiBox? for an implementation of this. -- Peter Bowers?
Requests for new features should be added to PITS?, or sent to the pmwiki-users mailing list.
This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:RoadMap, and a talk page: PmWiki:RoadMap-Talk.