Url Approvals-Talk
Is it possible to, using Group Customizations,
to use $UnapprovedLinkCountMax to apply only to a specific group or page, given the comment about it having to be set prior to including the script and the script being included in the maim ''config.php' which is processed first?
SUGGEST: It would be awfully nice if there were some way to approve links globally or by group rather than page-by-page. -Peter Bowers? Nov 23, 2007
SUGGEST: It would be good if there were some way to get automatic notifications when URL's needed to be approved...-Peter Bowers? Nov 23, 2007
SUGGEST: It would be nice to have a way of searching for unapproved links. -Peter Bowers? Dec 8, 2007
This is a talk page for improving PmWiki.UrlApprovals.