
XL Page

This page contains the string mappings to convert PmWiki's prompts into Simplified Chinese (UTF-8).

  ### Character encoding, e.g. 'iso-8859-2' or 'utf-8' 
  'xlpage-i18n' => 'utf-8',
  ### Locale identifier, e.g. 'de' or 'cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2'
  'Locale' => 'zh_CN.utf8',
  ### Time format, e.g. '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M EET'
  'TimeFmt' => '%Y 年 %m 月 %d 日, %I:%M %p',

  ### Standard layout strings
  'View' => '查看',
  'Edit' => '编辑',
  'History' => '修订',
  'Print' => '打印',
  'Recent Changes' => '本组最近更新',
  'Search' => '搜索',
  'Page last modified on {$LastModified}' => '网页最后更新于 {$LastModified}',
  'Go' => '查',
  'All Recent Changes' => '所有最近更新', 
  # access keys
  'ak_view' => '',
  'ak_edit' => '',
  'ak_history' => '',
  'ak_print' => '',
  'ak_recentchanges' => ''

  ### Print layout strings
  'From $WikiTitle' => '',
  'Retrieved from {$PageUrl}' => '网页取自于 {$PageUrl}', 

  ### Page locations
  '{$SiteGroup}/EditQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhCn/EditQuickReference', 
  '{$SiteGroup}/UploadQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhCn/UploadQuickReference', 
  '{$SiteGroup}/Search' => '',
  '{$Group}/RecentChanges' => '',

  ### Browse page strings
  'redirected from' => '重定向自',

  ### Edit page strings
  'Editing {*$FullName}' => '正在编辑 {*$FullName}',
  'Save' => '保存', 
  'Save and edit' => '保存并继续编辑',  
  'Save as draft' => '保存为草稿',  
  'Preview' => '预览',
  'Cancel' => '取消',
  'Reset' => '重置',
  'Author' => '作者',
  'An author name is required.' => '作者名是必需的',
  'Summary' => '总结',
  'This is a minor edit' => '这只是一个较小改动',
  'Preview {*$FullName}' => '预览 {*$FullName}',
  'End of preview -- remember to save' => '结束预览-记得保存',
  'Page is unsaved' => '网页还没有保存',
  'Top' => '返回到本页顶',
  # access keys
  'ak_save' => '',
  'ak_saveedit' => '',
  'ak_preview' => '',
  # 'ak_savedraft' => '',

  ### Page history strings
  '{$FullName} History' => '{$FullName} 记录',
  'Show minor edits' => '显示较小更改处',
  'Hide minor edits' => '隐藏较小更改处',
  'Show changes to markup' => '显示标记语言的改变',
  'Show changes to output' => '显示输出样式的改变',
  'by' => '被',
  'Restore' => '还原',
  'Added line $DiffLines:' => '增加第 $DiffLines 行:',
  'Added lines $DiffLines:' => '增加了 $DiffLines 行:',
  'Changed line $DiffLines from:' => '更新第 $DiffLines 行从:',
  'Changed lines $DiffLines from:' => '更新了 $DiffLines 行从:',
  'Deleted line $DiffLines:' => '删除第 $DiffLines 行:',
  'Deleted lines $DiffLines:' => '删除了 $DiffLines 行:',
  'to:' => '到:',

  ### Page attribute strings
  'Attributes' => '属性',
  '{$FullName} Attributes' => '{$FullName} 属性',
  'Set new read password:' => '设置新的读取权限密码:',
  'Set new edit password:' => '设置新的编辑权限密码:',
  'Set new attribute password:' => '设置新的属性密码:',
  '(set by $PWSource)' => '',
  '(using $PWCascade password)' => '',

  'EnterAttributes' => "Enter new attributes for this page below.  Leaving a field blank will leave the attribute unchanged.  To clear an attribute, enter 'clear'.",

  ## Authorization strings
  'Name' => '用户名',
  'Password' => '密码',
  'Password required' => '需要密码',
  'Name/password not recognized' => '用户名或密码未经过验证',

  ### Search strings
  'Search' => '搜索',
  'Search Results' => '搜索结果',
  'SearchFor' => '<em>$Needle</em> 的搜索结果',
  'SearchFound' => '找到 $MatchCount 个网页,共搜索了 $MatchSearched 个网页。',

  ### Upload strings
  'Attach' => '附件',
  'Uploads' => '上传',
  'Attachments for' => '附件为',
  'File to upload:' => '上传的文件:',
  'Name attachment as:' => '附件名为:',
  'Upload' => '上传',
  'ULsuccess' => '上传成功',
  'ULbadname' => '附件名非法',
  'ULbadtype' => '\'$upext\' 不是允许的文件名后缀',
  'ULtoobig' => '文件太大,超过网站服务器允许的最大字节数',
  'ULtoobigext' => '文件太大,超过 \'$upext\' 文件允许的最大 $upextmax 字节数',
  'ULpartial' => '接收文件不完整',
  'ULnofile' => '文件上传失败',
  'ULexists' => '文件名重复',
  'ULpquota' => '超过组限额',
  'ULtquota' => '超过上传限额',
  'Set new upload password:' => '设置新的上传密码:', 

  ### GuiEdit button bar
  'Emphasized' => '强调',
  'Emphasized (italic)' => '强调(斜体)',
  'Strong' => '强调',
  'Strong (bold)' => '强调(粗体)',
  'Page link' => '网页链接',
  'Link to internal page' => '链接到内部网页',
  'link text' => '链接文本',
  'Link to external page' => '链接到外部网页',
  'file.ext' => '',
  'Attach file' => '附件',
  'Big text' => '大字体',
  'Small text' => '小字体',
  'Superscript' => '上标',
  'Subscript' => '下标',
  'Heading' => '标题',
  'Subheading' => '子标题',
  'Center' => '居中',
  'Unordered list' => '无序列表',
  'Unordered (bullet) list' => '无序(项目)列表',
  'Ordered list' => '有序列表',
  'Ordered (numbered) list' => '有序(数字)列表',
  'Indented text' => '缩进文本',
  'Hanging indent' => '悬挂缩进',
  'Horizontal rule' => '水平标尺',
  'Table' => '表格',
  # access keys
  # 'ak_em' => '',
  # 'ak_strong' => '',

  ### Others
  'not found' => '没找到',
  '(approve sites)' => '(认证站点)',
  'This post has been blocked by the administrator' => '本次提交被管理员禁止',
  'Password encryption' => '',
  'Name/password not recognized' => '用户名或密码未经过验证',
  'EditConflict' => "The page you are editing has been modified since you started editing it.  The modifications have been merged into the text below, you may want to verify the results of the merge before pressing save.  Conflicts the system couldn't resolve are bracketed by &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; and &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;."
  'EditWarning' => "The page you are editing has been modified since you started editing it.  If you continue, your changes will overwrite any changes that others have made.",
  'View changes' => '',

  ### Historical
  ## pre-2.1 phrases
  'Page last modified on $LastModified' => '网页最后更新于 $LastModified',
  'Editing `{$FullName}' => '正在编辑 `{$FullName}',
  'Describe $Name here.' => '把 $Name 文章内容写在这里。',
  'Preview `{$FullName}' => '预览 `{$FullName}',
  '$FullName History' => '$FullName 记录',
  'Page Attributes' => '网页属性',
  '$FullName Attributes' => '$FullName 属性',
  'SearchWiki' => '搜索 Wiki', 
  'Printable View' => '打印预览', 
  'Page History' => '修订历史', 
  'Read Page' => '浏览网页', 
  'Edit Page' => '编辑网页', 
  'WikiHelp' => 'Wiki 帮助', 
  'Retrieved from $PageUrl' => '网页取于 $PageUrl', 
  'PmWiki/WikiHelp' => 'PmWikiZhCn/WikiHelp', 
  'PmWiki.EditQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhCn.EditQuickReference', 
  'PmWiki.UploadQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhCn.UploadQuickReference', 
  'Main/SearchWiki' => 'PmWikiZhCn/SearchWiki', 
  'Main/AllRecentChanges' => '', 
  '$Group/RecentChanges' => '', 
  'Table of content' => '目录表', 
  'Insert image' => '插入图像', 
  'MyImage.jpg' => '',
