


  • NNEST Advocacy and Awareness Raising: Global Perspectives 10 Years On.  The 43rd Annual TESOL Convention. March 30-April 2, 2009,  Denver, USA.
  • Formación Inicial e Identidad Professional: Una Perspectiva Socio-Política. CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE FILOSOFÍA POLÍTICA Y ÉTICA. May 25-28, 2009. La Grita, Táchira, Venezuela.  
  • Communicative interaction in large EFL classes. II English Regional Convention: “Infusing the spirit of ELT”, October 4, 2008, San Cristóbal.  Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira- UNET. Táchira, Venezuela.
  • El Podcast como herramienta en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera, XII Congreso Internacional de Tecnologías para la Educación y el Conocimiento: Web 2.0, July 3- 5, 2008. Madrid, España.
  • Resignificación de la tarea formativa a partir de la propuesta pedagógica de Paulo Freire, Magno Evento Internacional Paulo Freire. February 11-14, 2008. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Implementación de las TIC en la Educación Básica: Tercera Etapa. LVII AsoVAC Annual Convention (Asociación Venezolana para el avance de la ciencia). December 18-23, 2007. Táchira, Venezuela.
  • Nonnative English Speaking Student Teachers’ Language Awareness through Participatory Action Research (PAR). The 41st Annual TESOL Convention. March,  2007,  Seattle, Washington, USA.
  • Colloquium “Narrative inquiry and TESOL professionals of color”. The 41st Annual TESOL Convention, March 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA.  
  • Cooperative learning in the EFL class, XXIV Annual VENTESOL Convention  “Daring to Lead.” May 2006, Caracas, Venezuela.
  • El Seminario como Estrategia  para la Formación Docente, IV Encuentro Internacional  de RED KIPUS. October, 2006, Margarita, Venezuela.
  • La Percepción de Autoeficacia Docente de un Grupo de Profesores de Inglés de  Educación Básica. VIII Jornada Institucional de Investigación Educativa UPEL Rubio, April 2006, Rubio, Táchira, Venezuela.
  • TV to Boost Vocabulary, Listening, and Writing, 39th Annual TESOL Convention. March 30-April 2, 2005, San Antonio, Texas, USA.  
  • A critical praxis into the education of EFL teachers. The 39th Annual TESOL Convention. March 30-April 2, 2005. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 
  • Teachers’ Perceived Efficacy among English as a Foreign Language Teachers in Middle Schools in Venezuela. Annual Meeting American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 12-16, 2004, San Diego, California, USA.
  • Language Teaching Methodology: Where have we come from? Where are we going? Encuentro de Profesores de Inglés patrocinado por la Universidad  Nacional Experimental del Táchira y VENTESOL. October, 2004, San Cristóbal Táchira.
  • What FLED (Foreign Language Education) research is currently being conducted at Ohio State University. Co-author with Charles Hancock, Robin Cogburn, & Kelly Walsh. Annual Convention Foreign Language Teachers in Ohio (OFLA).March, 2002. Worthington, Ohio, USA.
  • Critical pedagogy and empowering in teacher education in Venezuela. Co-author with Luisa C. Álvarez. The 35th Annual TESOL Convention. March, 2001. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 
  • Teaming up with 4-H for elementary language program. Co-author with Deborah Wilburn Robinson. The 33rd Annual Convention Central Status. April, 2001, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
  • Foreign language and 4-H: Forging the way for every child. Co-author with Deborah W. Robinson & Hilary Raymond. The 34th Annual ACTFL Convention. November, 2000. Boston, USA.
  • Countering the hidden curriculum of Western hegemony through post-colonial cross-cultural experiential learning. Co-author with Frances Bangou, Seon-Hwa, Hea-Jin Lee, Lijuan Zhai, & Merry Merryfied. Curriculum Conference. October, 1999, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
  • Collaborative research on using electronic mail to facilitate student voices in a second language acquisition course. Co-author with Shelley Wong, Yen Yuh-Yun & Bangou Francis. First International Conference on Language Teacher Education. May, 1999. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
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