
Special Pages

This is a brief summary of the various "special" pages that occur in PmWiki, along with pointers to other pages with more information as appropriate.

These pages are special because

Core pages

Recent Changes?, Site.AllRecentChanges

Recent Changes shows changes made recently to pages in the current group. All Recent Changes shows changes made recently to pages in all groups.

Documented in
  • Wiki Group - Organising pages into related groups

GroupHeader, GroupFooter

Page content shown above or below the main content of all pages in the group.

Documented in

Site.Side Bar, SideBar ()

Documented in

  • Wiki Elements - An introduction to PmWiki page elements and features

** 03/06/10 target page doesn't even have bar much less SideBar Ward Christensen?

Site.Page Actions (Contains the 'action' links (like Browse, Edit, History, etc.), placed at the top of the page, see site page actions)

Documented in

Site.Edit Form (contains the edit page layout form)

This page is displayed for the edit action.

Site.Auth Form (form displayed when requesting a password or username/password)

This page is displayed when a password is required to perform the requested action.

Site.Page Not Found (Page displayed when PmWiki can't find the requested page)

The text shown when a page is not found (usually when a new page is to be created)

Site.Preferences ()

Site.Search (Search wiki)

The text shown when someone makes a search using the built-in PmWiki search facilities, i.e. (:searchbox:). Documented in

Group Attributes (Group and page security password based access control)

Documented in

  • Group Attributes - Group and page security password based access control
  • Wiki Group - Organising pages into related groups
  • Passwords - General use of passwords
  • Security - Resources for securing your PmWiki installation

Site.Page List Templates, Site.Local Templates? (Templates for PmWiki's Page lists directive)

Documented in

Site.Auth User ()

Documented in

  • Auth User - Authorization system that uses usernames and passwords

Inter Map? ()

List external Internet sites shortcuts. See InterMap documentation.

Edit Quick Reference (quick reference for editing pages)

contains the 'help' text that appears at the bottom of the edit window (before the preview area)

Upload Quick Reference (quick reference for uploading pages)

contains the 'help' text that appears when uploading a file with Attach:file.ext at the bottom of the upload window

SiteAdmin.Approved Urls? ()

Documented in

SiteAdmin.Blocklist? ()

See Blocklist

Site.Notify List? ()

Documented in

  • Notify - Allows a site administrator to configure PmWiki to send email messages whenever pages are changed on the wiki site

XLPage, XLPageLocal

Documented in

(:template first:)

(:template each:) {=$Group}?

Group.HomePage Group.Group

Group's default page $DefaultPage

  • Wiki Group - Organising pages into related groups


The wikilib.d directory contains the default version of all of the pages required for an operating installation of a PmWiki site. When you later upgrade from one version of the software to the next, that directory, and all of the files in it, will be replaced with a new set. So it is not recommended that you edit or alter any of the files in that directory yourself. HOWEVER, when you edit an existing page from within the wiki (by clicking "edit" while viewing the page, making changes in the edit box, and saving) the software will create a new version of that page, and store it in the directory wiki.d. Whenever there is a page in wiki.d with the same name as one in wikilib.d, the wiki will always serve up the one in wiki.d. This is how you customize your own site, without having to be concerned about preserving or over-writing the default bundle in wikilib.d.

Recipe based

SiteAdmin.Auth List ()

SiteAdmin.Auth User ()

New page templates

Documented in

All groups Header and Footer

Documented in

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:SpecialPages, and a talk page: PmWiki:SpecialPages-Talk.