Fisicoquímica para IQ: Observando de forma diferente


El poder de poner la atención (subtítulos en inglés)


Cinco formas de escuchar mejor (subtítulos en español)


Conceptos Claves

La importancia de la observación activa

Percibir las oportunidades a tu alrededor

Capturando tus observaciones


Excerpt from inGenius

Are You Paying Attention?

Acute observation is a key skill for gaining valuable knowledge about the world around you. This knowledge is the fuel for your imagination. Steve blank, a serial entrepreneur, provides a great example. He has been on the founding team of eight companies, and many people have praised Steve for his creativity and fearlessness. He chuckles and says, “I’m not brave. I’m just incredibly observant.” Steve has discovered that the more you observe, the more data you collect, the more patterns you see, and the more boldly you can act. As Steve would say, “This is a big idea!”

In 1988, for example, Steve was brought in to run marketing at a company called SuperMac, which made graphics boards for computers. At the time the business had just emerged from bankruptcy. The company had only a 10 percent market share, which was way below the other two leading players in the field. As Steve put it, “They were twentieth in a field of three.” Soon after he arrived, Steve noticed an enormous pile of fifteen thousand product registration cards that had been sent in by customers. They were stacked up recklessly in the corner of the break room. He asked his colleagues about this massive stack of cards and learned that they were just piling up, year after year. Everyone was much too busy executing their plans to take a look at these seemingly meaningless pieces of paper. Steve started digging through the pile himself and quickly realized that they contained a gold mine of information.

Steve pulled out three hundred of the most recently received cards and started calling these customers himself. He asked them what business they were in, how they used the graphics board, what its most important attributes were, how it could be improved, and how much they would be willing to pay for it. He learned a tremendous amount from each call, and the collective information allowed Steve to make choices about product positioning and pricing, with great confidence that they would work. Within a short time, Steve overhauled the promotion of the product line and increased the prices. As a result, the company’s market share increased from 10 to 70 percent. This would never have happened if Steve had not paid attention to the little pieces of paper that others ignored.This story illustrates how paying attention can reveal valuable opportunities and uncovers solutions that are hidden in plain sight.



Toma nota de lo que observaste a tu alrededor durante las visitas industriales. Crea un mapa mental con lo que observaste y escuchaste durante la visita industrial en la planta de tu grupo.

Crea el mapa mental de forma creativa para mostrar a tus demás compañeros de clase todo lo que observaste durante la visita industrial en la planta de tu grupo

La fecha límite de entrega es el martes 13 de mayo a mediodía. Debes escanearlo y enviarlo al correo antes del martes 13 de mayo a mediodía, después de la 1 pm del día martes 13 de mayo publícalo en el grupo de facebook.


Del curso “Creativity: music to my ears” de la Universidad de Stanford, instructor, Prof. Tina Seelig

About admin

Ronald Márquez es Ingeniero Químico de la Universidad de los Andes (Merida-Venezuela) y actualmente se encuentra realizando estudios Doctorales en el área de Reología Interfacial en aplicaciones de Deshidratación de crudo y Recuperación mejorada de petróleo. Es profesor Agregado del Departamento de Química Industrial y Aplicada e investigador del Laboratorio FIRP desde hace 10 años. Posee más de 10 comunicaciones y publicaciones en congresos y revistas científicas.